Unidentified bike help :)


Devout Dirtbag
So I've been looking for a project for ages and found a frame and forks on eBay.

Campag drop outs and Reynolds 531c tubing..

Any ideas from this terrible eBay pic?

Oh and it cost £5!


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Normally just reynolds as a description search or Columbus etc and keep my fingers crossed.

I can't get the listing off the eBay app to help with identifying what it might be.

£5. I could weigh it in for more :)

Hopefully it's something half decent...
Over BB cable guides, top tube brake guides, longer campag / gipiemme dropouts, no mudguard eyes, no seat tube brazing for water bottle, fork crown looks a little flat for Cinelli MC so could be a Wagner.....

Very late 70's classy frame :)


So I grabbed the rest of the photos in case it's more usual than the one photo so far.

I'd be naturally really happy if it was some 70's Wagner but not expecting it.

Found some info on MKM in Harrogate and they seem similar but who knows. I'm not knowledgeable enough yet.


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Well it arrived today. Well packaged and although the pain was scratty it was in decent shape.

It was an odd pearl white paint. No head badge though and typically I forgot to look at the serial number.

Anyway it's gone straight to paint! Being painted in light military grey gloss as used on an RAF Tornado!

I've designed my own logo for my rebuilds 'Strada Veloce'. Maybe a bit contrived but I like it. The decals will go on the down tube as a cream panel is being put in.

The chrome dropouts are still in lovely condition so are being masked up and saved.

Now looking for:-
Good wheel set
Campagnolo record headset
Cinelli bars/stem
Brooks pro saddle (brown)
Brooks tape (brown)
Brake calliper (front)
Campagnolo chainset of 70's/80's era

If you have any of these durst then pm me and we'll sort something out.

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