Torus Dynatech

Not a bad price with the forks as well, though i would check for cracks first.

ooo that's nice, what do they ride like?

Never rode the forks but had 3 frames and they always felt overly harsh for Ti. Very stiff rear which made for excellent acceleration and i imagine they would have made good race bikes.
Not a bad price with the forks as well, though i would check for cracks first.

Never rode the forks but had 3 frames and they always felt overly harsh for Ti. Very stiff rear which made for excellent acceleration and i imagine they would have made good race bikes.

Hmm it doesn't sound like it would suit my old bones, i'm build more for comfort these days...
Not a bad price with the forks as well, though i would check for cracks first.

Never rode the forks but had 3 frames and they always felt overly harsh for Ti. Very stiff rear which made for excellent acceleration and i imagine they would have made good race bikes.
I've had three over the years - and yes racy - but as I "move up a weight class" became a lot less 'harsh' more "flexy flyer" ;-)
Hehehe, the power of the human brain allowed me to completely gloss over this the first time - to quote "all gear shit fine"
Nice rider - 18" (this one) are softer than 16's - I've owned both. Cheap ti fun.

This is currently a reasonable price and the model to have. Check for cracks though - stems in particular.