The Woolpack Wobble Aftermath


Retrobike Rider

Woolpack Wobble Aftermath

What a ride... it started with 35 mph+ head winds and a trip to go out doors, then a great day of green ways and secret trails with a great pub lunch for good measure. This sort urban green way riding take me back to the early days of me and a group of friends riding around the rivers and canals, searching for hidden trails and deer runs.

Thanks to Matthew for showing us round his backyard, I'm sure some of us will be back when its dryer to enjoy the secret singletrack and a cheeky pint at the Woolpack. Also a big thanks to all who braved the wind and made it a great Retrobike day out.

There's a link to the rest of my pics at the bottom of the post.

I'll let the pics tell the rest of the story...

loitering with intent

Fighting the head wind

Big fish little fish cardboard box, Retro dance party

Slip-sliding away

Ken goes off piste

Ride it like you stole it

No brakes..... no brakes....

Mud mud glorious mud

Wild camping

Job for Drystonepaul ?

Time for lunch

Beer beer we want more beer...

Elped touts for trade

Final stretch back to start

Here's a link to the rest of my pics.... ... k%20Wobble

Hope to see you all on the next one...

cheers kaya


Great day out in the wind, rain and mud. Missed most of the rain in The Woolpacks Executive smoking Shelter!

Good company as usual and it was most excellent to get the bike hosed off and lubed back at home (rather than my garden sprayer experiment - I'd have been better p*ssing on the bike to get it clean!) Now saving up for a proper rig like Petes!

See you all for the next one!

Gaddmeisters Ned homage...


By the Canal..

Where's the Pub?

Gaddmeister flexing the old leg muscles!

The great push..

It was plenty muddy..

Follow the leader..

Still not at the pub..

Executive smoking lounge - discovered by Ken Kebab (who got first dibs at the seating and picked the one where he got rained on!)

Very tasty Fish Butty...

Nay Mr Wilks... Soap history, right there...

Hope you all enjoyed my muddy back yard ! sorry about gale but it was out of my hands , no pics from me I'm afraid as I forgot !

Great day guys! I look pregnant in that photo Ringo! Need to get out more. :-D only managed one decent piccy to share. Thanks again. Thoroughly enjoyed it.


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Great day out anyone near ,wants to go on this next timeout
Top nosh in the woolpack :cool: ended up about 18 miles on the Garmin
Weather was ok apart from the gale rideing out
See you all next time.
Name of the tv thing with the sport on is Kodi Amazon :!:

Looked like a great day out, I have done this route before with Matthew. This year has been really busy for me, but I intend to be getting some rides in next month.

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