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Thanks for the reply Ren,
Going into more detail, oddly enough the stereo is ok, just the remote is dead. I've wrested the remote a few times, re-soldering tracks, but now it's just a non-starter.
From googling, it seems that the model isn't really a Hitachi, but a rebadged something that Currys brought in a few years ago. No remotes have been on ebay since forever, and the remotes are the acilles. As getting up for work is actually quite important, I think I might have to call time on it and go shopping - hence seeking advice!
Oh I'm in Kent/ SE London
I've just bought a pair of Leak 250's (the old ones not the 2k new ones!).
I have a surround amp running my AV, but I want to ad an amp dedicated to the Leaks for my turntable.
The Leaks will replace my left & right front channel speakers on the AV.
Can anyone suggest a splitter box or some such device so I can safely switch between my turntable using the Leaks and my AV also using them?
Thanks all, this forum is great!
I have an old Hafler DH200 amp which keeps blowing one of the speaker fuses. Any ideas what might be causing this? Also any recommendations for somewhere I could get it serviced? It’s been gathering dust for a few years now due to this, which is a waste. I’ve had it paired with LS3s and it sounded better than many more modern (and expensive) amplifiers/ setups I have had.

Are you any good with electronics ?

There is an Owners manual on the hifiengine website that has a circuit diagram and lists component values, sadly I didn't find a service manual but with some patience you could follow the diagram and test it with a multimeter. In case your not a member of that website I've downloaded the manual and could email it to you if that would help (I can't attach it to this message as it's too big)

Since you have one working channel you can compare values from the good channel to the side that keeps blowing fuses to isolate the fault.

I also found this which is a list of some changes that an owner has seen with different versions of that amp.
Are you any good with electronics ?

There is an Owners manual on the hifiengine website that has a circuit diagram and lists component values, sadly I didn't find a service manual but with some patience you could follow the diagram and test it with a multimeter. In case your not a member of that website I've downloaded the manual and could email it to you if that would help (I can't attach it to this message as it's too big)

Since you have one working channel you can compare values from the good channel to the side that keeps blowing fuses to isolate the fault.

I also found this which is a list of some changes that an owner has seen with different versions of that amp.
Thanks a lot for your input, Aech. That’s very helpful.
I still have all the original paperwork, including schematics etc.
I am pretty useless with electronics, unfortunately. I have a friend with a multimeter and some knowledge, so might ask him to give this a try.

Best regards

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