State of the industry: a running thread

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Oh its amazon or ebay knockoffs now ! Good thing wiggle dont sell any parts for my "ancient" bikes!

maybe they shouldn't have so bloody greedy and bought up all that stock at agreed high prices during lockdown.....just to try to put one final nail in the independent coffin!
You reap what you sow.

But im sad for all those losing their jobs in the near future.
remember when CRC was great shop in the mags, cooperate greed ruins yet another cog in the industry. could be a good time soon to grab a bargain?
CRC was a super company. Everything was good about them.
They could have been bigger in the bike game than Wiggle. Wiggle saw a chance to buy them out and more importantly buy up their customer list. Massive profits in view.
But, as always, they got greedy.
Then they thought the lockdown boom would last forever.
It's OK guys like me stocking up on gear that I know will get used. It's entirely different for Wiggle to be holding £20million when the boom has ended and leisure cycling is stopping for the winter.

Silly people running the company.
But im sad for all those losing their jobs in the near future.

And for many IBS' who rely on them as distributors, and indeed, some distributors who have arrangements with Wiggle/CRC. This goes much deeper than to just us, the consumer, and those who work for Wiggle/CRC and the other companies in that umbrella.
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