News Retrobike is 5 years old - let's hear your fave memories

Another major milestone passed for retrobike - our Fifth Anniversary :)

Little did I think the site I setup following a vague idea and a low key meeting with a small handful of other retro fans in 2005 would have over 10000 users and be going from strength to stength five years on.

Let's hear your favourite memories from the last five years, click here to add them in the forum.

On a personal level there are almost too many to document. Will have a quick go
-meeting a lot of cool people at various meets over the years
-the fine community spirit on the forum. Having this with 10k plus users is a real credit to the membership
-getting continued input on the site from genuine figures in the history of mtbing. Repack Rider is of course the prime example.

So, there you go. Here's to another five years and thanks to (most) of our 10000 users for making the last five so memorable :)

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