REAR oln measurements?


Retro Guru
Not sure where to post this or if i'll get a response.
I have just got my hand on a 853 frame and was told it was 130mm oln. Measuring it it is not much over 100mm. is this normal for 853? i find it hard to believe that it'll give another 30mm and i don't especially want to try.
Would you expect a rear oln of 130mm to be constantly 130mm without a wheel in it or would you expect it to close a little (probably not 30mm).
I'd really appreciate your thoughts. not something i have a vast knowledge on thanks jon
853 was introduced at the Interbike Show in 1995. so a 130mm oln sounds right, i cant imagine anyone getting a 853 built to accept 6/7 speed 126mm oln.
I would guess that it has been damaged. Check frame and drop out alignment.
Is it a track frame?

Something seems awry if it's a road frame as the rear frame spacing is measured without a wheel in

Was the frame delivered to you? If it was, did it have a transit bolt in the rear dropouts? A rear OLN measurement of 100mm suggests that is has been badly squashed. Is the frame straight?
A decent lbs ought to be able to check frame alignment accurately, if you have any frame builders near you they will be able to advise/sort out any problems. Modern road bike oln is 130, track bikes 120.
Odd. Not sure if 853 is similar to 753 but the heat treatment of the latter means it doesn't bend and can't be cold set. 853 is heat treated like 753 so probably similar. If this frame wasn't made at this spacing then I'd look for damage. Does it have rear track lugs and/or a derailleur hanger? Does it look symmetrical from behind or misaligned?
Thanks guys this is obviously not what I was wanting to hear.I have tried contacting the seller but not heard from them yet. I'll get some pics done asap I guess we need to contact courier asap.yes it did have a bolt clamped in the rear drop out thanks Jon
Normally if you put a shorter axle in then there would be some "rebound" and the frame would spring out again ........can't see from the pics but how long was the rear axle spacer used?

Irrespective, it's not right as the dropouts are no longer parallel so something has bent, does not look like damage in transit as that would have bowed in the stays. I think you need to ask the seller some questions..........
