Paul Gambaccini

The point is he knew the damage was done as far as credibility went, and he took appropriate action. All the BBC do is pass the buck around, deny and carry on regardless.

It's rotten in more ways than one.
legrandefromage":3u1ovxr0 said:
has it not occurred to anyone that these people would have been the same regardless of employer?
Same people, but with an unmatched supply of starstruck potential victims.
Fair point LGF, but I feel it is a little of both.

No one is suggesting the BBC made anyone into a sex pest, but I would strongly argue they provided an environment where such behaviour could thrive; that certainly seems to be the case.

Much like a certain branch of religion.
legrandefromage":1vn70ogp said:
Religion turned me into a newt.

There's an'ollywood A lister looking for you, small chap, can't for the life of me remember his name, but he's rich as, and his missus ain't bad looking. She believes that shit too, you're in!
Has to wear lifts...
You know the one...
It's unfair to blame the BBC; these people are adept at insinuating themselves into places where they can practice their abuse...

...Religion, TV, Radio, boys clubs, schools, etc.

My ex-wife was an archery instructor and worked a lot with the Scouts and Boys Brigade; one day at Camp the Police came and arrested one of the Leaders who had been her friend for years and she, along with everyone else, had never suspected a thing!

What puzzles me is the 'Shock, horror!' response to the stories of teenage groupies getting what they were after BiTD as though no-one knew what was going on at the time?

Look how many underage girls found fame during the 'Wild Child' phenomenon; and how many 'Stars' weren't prosecuted in that respect.

Look how many publications run stories on this subject right next to those about Justin Bieber and his toddler-bopper 'fans' and Katie 'Super-Slapper' Price; how do you make the distinction, and where do you draw the line?

During the investigations into Jimmy Savile the Police said that 72% of the claims had 'some' truth in them; that's over a quarter that didn't!

Savile is supposed to have 'abused' over 400 girls in his lifetime and yet only last week one of the Nationals ran a centre-page feature titled 'Guess which of these men has slept with a thousand women, and which just one?'

A couple of weeks ago the feature was reversed and it was the women in focus. The one with the cropped, bleached hair! :p

Too much hypocrisy for my liking... :|

Incidentally, the girls used to queue up at the stage doors and the Minders would choose the prettiest ones to let in; funny how age, respectability, marriage, etc clouds the memory!

Does anyone remember John Peels 'Byline' photo from NME in the 70's? I do; we all thought 'Lucky b*st*rd!'

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