Orange Shim Woes..... P7 hints/tips?

26.4, I thought 95' to be 27.2 fitting in the 30.0 shimmed frame ?

At least that' what Oranges old FAQ said.
handily copied here

If you could add a lip to the end and make a type of bearing puller then hammer away too.

and when all goes wrong, you could use the lump hammer to reshape the frame in frustration. 😳
26.4 -29.8mm 👍well that’s what I gave in both my P7 and C16r....

Lump hammer wise.... I’ve been tempted 😂
The FAQ is a cut & paste* from Oranges website's FAQ, good to know they know their bikes ;-)

*I know as I cut and pasted it.
Now updated with link back
@fluffy It is indeed on the Orange site - you went to what should have been the definitive source! For me it was a dreary lesson having bought a few shims etc that proved to be the wrong size.
I think the problem is that they bought in batches - mine for example has a canti hanger which shouldn't be there either according to the frame number and graphics for the model year.
After they got through the gazillion 26.4 steel seatposts they must have had in inventory they doubtless switched to another shim size.:)