Nearly there....

Re: Halfway there....

That first pic looks like you’re an extra in the Ram Jam Black Betty promo vid.


Sub zero cool.

FairfaxPat":98t8jt5q said:
Good for you! Keep it up, I'm almost through with my treatment-2 weeks to go...
Cheers Pat - it's good to hear that you are coping so well on your treatment. I saw that you were out riding on Monday 9th March - good man :cool: .

The History Man":98t8jt5q said:
That first pic looks like you’re an extra in the Ram Jam Black Betty promo vid.


Sub zero cool.
Cheers H.M., and a good call - top production on that song with a great guitar sound.

A little update:

My brother took me to the Royal Berkshire Hospital on Wednesday morning for Chemo Cycle number 7 of 12. I saw my Oncologist’s Registrar who told me that my White Blood Cell count is lower that they would like to see. As a result of this, my Chemo Cycle was cancelled for that day :( . He said that the compromising of my Immune System is too big a risk to take, and therefore the Chemo Cycle will probably recommence next week.

I was told to keep an eye on my temperature, and avoid people with any sort of infection like a cold or a sore throat. If my temperature rises above 37.5, I have to ring the Hot Line number that I was given and I will be taken straight to A&E for intravenous Antibiotics.


Re: Halfway there....

Don’t worry too much. It happens all the time. They don’t want to properly kill you. Just almost.
Re: Halfway there....

The History Man":291x9gmj said:
Don’t worry too much. It happens all the time. They don’t want to properly kill you. Just almost.

Yeah I had the same during treatment for Testicular Cancer in 2002. That was 9 weeks of three Chemo Chemicals; Bleomycin, Eetoposide and Platinum (BEP) - the Protocol that Lance didn't have.

As you say, "They don’t want to properly kill you. Just almost."

I was in a right old state - really weak and Fubar'd. About 8.5 stone with no body hair, not even eyelashes :shock: .

I got over that one though, and I expect to do the same with this little inconvenience.

Re: Halfway there....

Sounds familiar - I had my immune system crash with 39C and ended up for 2 weeks in isolation.
I was on ABVD (Adriamycin, Bleomycin, Vinblastine, Dacarbazine).
They used to give me GCSF to boost my white cells every EPO but for white cells.

Courage, mon vieux!

An update on my treatment and progress:

I completed the last of 12 Chemotherapy cycles yesterday, which has taken just over 6 months. It was a bit of a bumpy ride; what with alarming reactions to one of the three Chemo Chemicals, and my White Blood Cell count falling too low….. well anyway, it is all finished now.

I have a short course of G-CSF injections to self-administer over the next few days, like the ones that hamster mentioned, and my PICC Line should be removed today, which is another milestone.

I’m due to have a C.T. Scan in August, and then I see Oncology again following a Carcinoembryonic antigen level blood test to see if the Cancer has been eradicated.

If that is all good, I hope to have my Colostomy reversed. I was told by Oncology that this could be as early as next Spring, but I have to liaise with the Colorectal surgeon who will be performing the procedure.

Meanwhile I plan to return to work part-time in August, with a view to working full time again. I have been signed off since the surgery last November :roll: .

Phew! Let’s hope that will be the end of it :LOL: .

That's good news, great update. I remember when I restarted work, the Occupational Health nurse said that I would be on half days for the first 2 months. I thought that was silly. On the first day I was almost asleep after two hours I was so exhausted!

Well done Pip! :)

My best wishes for continued progress and good news!


Hope you make a full recovery. Im always interested in new advances in treatment for C. They cant come soon enough.

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