Mayhem 2017 "Retro-Bution" Team sub thread

Right, you crazy cats...please have a butchers at the team order on Page 3 (sorry, there's no titties) and if you have any thoughts or comments, please feel free to keep them to yourself! :LOL: Jokes.
Those of you doing night and day stints, are you happy with the frequencies, as some are having a bigger rest gap between laps than others?
Please comment any ideas and we'll come together.....that sounds wrong, erm.....we'll get our heads together (better) and jiggle it a bit, but it looks like we're nearly there. Booyaa!!
Cheers Hotwheels for what you've done, I've updated the front page

if its a bone dry one and you guys turn out to quicker than you let on the times will differ, to highlight this I've sped
things up by just 10% reducing the average lap times from 80 mins to 72 mins and the results are quite stark

on the flip side if your a bunch of Lard Arses :LOL: some of the lower orders (laps 15/16/17) might not get to ride (look at rider start times)

Yes thank you for sorting, sterling job. I too look forward to meeting you all. Happy days.

if your a bunch of Lard Arses :LOL: some of the lower orders (laps 15/16/17) might not get to ride (look at rider start times.

Hopefully not :facepalm: :LOL:
Nice one guys thanks to sorting out the details massive kudos, looking forward to seeing you all and it looks like I'll get to take 3 bike's but one will be a road bike for the hotlap ;) :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: