Mavic Wheels - Idiots Guide

I’ve got a 1995 build.
So let’s assume XTR hubs
What would be the very best rims.
Not too heavy riding. Light as possible.
Araya 395 XC are excellent top of the range Araya rims, and are the rim of choice for Marin iirc.

Or the Mavic 217.. But you can get away with 517/717.
Top of the Mavic is the Ceramic brake surface, expensive wears out and you need brake blocks that can cope with the harshness of it.
CD is just a finishing
231 and 217 both available in 1995

2x1 SERIES being phased out though

As a note 231/261/281 means
23mm/26mm/28mm wide

Changed with the new 117 and 217 so.. not sure but it wasn't the same width.. Maybe internal width?

The 517 was 1998? Name X517 and X317 etc a d they gained XC naming.
After my time though.
217 is always a good choice - light, strong, good braking, look good... there's nothing not to like really

I might be wrong but does one of the digits in the model number refer to the eyelets? the very lightest or cheapest models had single wall eyelets, where the heavier or more expensive would have double wall eyelets, which are better unless you want the absolute lightest rims you can find
Since we have a lack of Mavic documents in the Archive, and I've not got my files near me...
This is easiest.

And here

Year later and terms of the new rim styles
[URL unfurl="true" ][/URL] and range

And to drop back to the PSP 231/261 ranges at the start
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