For Sale Manners…

I’ve learnt to not give anything anyway unless you know the person. Sometimes I throw in a few extra bits when people buy items if it’s things I’m clearing but I don’t advertise anything for actual free now.

If you put anything up for free on FB you get the worst of the worst. I usually put £5 on it and if the person is polite , turns up when arranged and doesn’t mess me about they get it for free. Very rarely does much go for free so I look at the £5 as compensation for having to wait around etc.

Unfortunately people are on a whole quite rude. 20 years in a customer facing role has taught me that.

As mentioned by a member above If I’m selling a high demand item and one person is polite I will always sell to that person over others. Polite people are always far easier to deal with I find and to be fair this forum I find most are polite. FB on the other hand is like the Wild West on Marketplace.
I karma'd a frame and also felt like the recipient was taking it simply because it was free and probably just to sell, and I remember feeling a bit flat after not even getting an 'It arrived, thanks' confirmation pm.

But then a few weeks later I clicked on a build thread and there it was, looking great and the lad was clearly chuffed with the bike, he mentioned that he'd got it free from a member and that made the whole experience worthwhile for me. People have different expectations and habits when it comes to interacting online, I think we often hope people will behave in the way we would, but that's simply not realistic.

I agree that manners should come as standard, but life has taught me that they don't, and karma often produces delayed gratification which in its way is even more rewarding than an instant and obligatory thank you.
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Just remember some people come across rude but are not.. They may have autism. Which is one of the symptoms.

Also a lot of people are using a phone to interact this board/other places. A short monosyllabic reply - especially if you are worried about missing out - might feel justified.
Hmm.. some biz on here a while ago, i'd posted a link to some goodies for sale on Yahoo Auctions Japan, a forum member pm'd me saying "you buy it and i'll reimburse the money when you get it back to the UK" .. Ikr!? it wasn't cheap either at £300+

I said "i appreciate it's daunting the first time you buy from JP but i'll stay online and walk you through the entire process every step of the way" and sent them some instruction

They never even replied.. a thank you wouldn't hurt even if it's a thanks but no thanks.. pfft!
I agree; manners don’t cost anything. I don’t see a lack of time or using a mobile device as valid excuses either. The rates of illiteracy seem to be very high nowadays. I’m not sure if it’s social media to blame, or people just don’t even have respect for themselves, let alone others.

I have no time or patience for people who can’t be bothered to construct a sentence or be polite, and as others here have said; I’ll sell my bikes and parts to the people who can.

FB is , as said above, far worse.....£5 for a good frame and forks.....i thought that was ok.....a steal in fact.

The guy who finally came for it didn't think so ( of course he failed to turn up the first time....or on time the second) .

Started sucking his teeth at it....." welllllll, the paints a bit worse than i thought"......


But he kindly said he would take it for i told him i can chuck it in a skip for free too and he can bugger off!

On the other hand, ive had some really nice guys turn up and I've given them a good few quids worth of extra stuff for a drink.....its all about manners and attitude.....

Lots of one....none of the other thanks.

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