Manitou, winner of the barend compie

scant":1neipd7n said:
av u seen me cow horns.. thems wicked tings...


jez-4-bikes-max":1neipd7n said:
Massive dent!!! :LOL: :LOL:

Made me spurt coffee over my monitor! :LOL:

And look at that crack!!! (spills coffee on lap) :LOL: :LOL:

Sorry if people will take offence but these really were sh*t!! :D :D


JeRkY":1neipd7n said:
Im just impressed he managed to crack both the BB shell and the headtube. I mean 99% of manitous have one or the other, then people stop riding them for fear of a painful death.


Some funny comments in this thread...poor bike, at least it was loved hard :cry: