Indecision . Do I buy it.


No,It has not been added to my stable. I have a number of classic bikes which I rarely ride . {Always out on something more modern} . I saw no point in another one gathering dust in the garage :shock: . Better it go to someone who will ride it .

Currently Trying to sort it out with Paul.Am buying it if the chap still has it for sale and paul is very kindly contacting him for me.If I end up getting it I will post photos
I turned down a fully resprayed (by Argos cycles) Experto Crede some 11 years ago for £600, it had a right mish mash of components on it but with the half chromed stay and the box lining + paint job by Argos it was a thing of beauty. I couldn't find the serial number in the place it should have been though there was one on the drive side dropout that had been chromed (I thought they were supposed to have one on the forks somewhere as well but I can't remember now.
It was been sold by one person who also had an earlier track frame (Holdsworth £300) that had also being resprayed to its original pomp and put into the LBS window and display area for the EC.
The problem for me was the frame was too small, IIRC it was 21.5", maybe even a 22" which was still a good inch at the very least undersized, I just didn't want to buy it, look at how lovely it was, have to buy a long swan neck stem to get the height length sorted or convert to an ahead, and the thought of simply buying it to flip it the same day flipping it even though it would have been easy money to make a decent wedge just didn't appeal.

I still regret not buying it just so I could look at its beauty but it'd be far better with someone who will ride it and they actually fit to the bike. I've had a few nice frames come my way over the years and most of them have been undersized, so I photograph them for posterity, mull over if it's feasible, get annoyed because it'll look stupid/won't work, sell on and then regret it because it was so aesthetically pleasing!
There is some argument over wether you would class a flying gate as a thing of beauty.What you are riding is a piece of cycling history.The one in question should be a perfect fit and if it works out it will be well ridden.Willie Baines broke with established design principles when he designed this back in 1937.He walked away from the slack angle race machines of the time and built probably the first bike to run on the steep angle short wheelbase concept of the modern race machine.Sadly he went alone as most of the makers continued to ignore the obvious.From personal experience back in 1961 I was riding Andre Bertin bikes simply because of the modern geometry.Finally gave way to my club mates taunts and decided to ask Viking to build me a British frame on the same angles as the Bertin.They refused because it was deemed unridable. Bought another Bertin but it just shows how far ahead willie Baines was in his thinking. That pile of sawn off scaffold tubes was a flash of light in a very grey world
Peter, a much more interesting frame than a Tennessee TIG welded abomination. I look forward to the photos once it's in your hands
Finally got aii the measurements from Jim the chap who owns the gate and it is not going to happen.The 23 1/2 " height is fine. O.K. the top tube would be snug but not a problem.The 23" c-c top tube however will be.One of my bikes has a 22" c-c top tube and I am having to run that with a 90mm stem and the saddle pushed forward on an inline post.Artheritus in the neck im afraid.I had considered moving the frame on last year but gave it a stay of execution to see how I go this year.23" is just going to be more pain after every ride and I was going to buy this to ride.Had thought short wheelbase would result in shortish top tube but seems not. So. The measurements are.23 1/2 from b/b centre to top of top tube.This is a vertical measurement and follows the vertical tube that finishes below the top tube. If there was a normal sloping seat tube you would need to add about another 1/2" on.The top tube is 23" from centre of head tube to the top centre of the short tube that carries the seat post.I told Jim that there were more people interested.He is an elderly chap so you wont be getting any photos and he does not have a computer so no e mails.He lives in the area around Burton on Trent and you will need to collect it from him so no postage. I have his phone number but told him I would not publish it online or his full name.If you want to buy it then pm me your name and phone number and I will ring it in to him. He will get in touch with you himself. He has agreed to let me know when it has gone and I will mark the listing as sold for him.Not being awkward. Simply doing what I can to help a very decent chap

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