Dawes Ranger 1984 done ish page 6

hmm. nice.

If it were mine, a couple of things technical:

Those shifters dont really pull enough cable for the Shimano mechs you have, they'd be better with period Suntour - plenty about. It would make for better shifting. Or, use some original Shimano indexed thumbies. It really, really improves shifting - theres no need for cobbled together stuff these days unless your really really really want period correct.

Same with those brakes and /or levers. Those are much later levers designed for the skinny compact low profile brakes that came in around 1993/4 before v-brakes. Again, they dont quite have enough leverage to match those cantis. Theres a lot of slack in that front straddle cable!

Some big old dia-compe with long levers or summink...
Still got the original but ratty big levers. Will be cleaning them up. I have thumbies but these work. That's not slack. The saddle cable is stiffer than a bag of stiff things. Was a b@stard to get it that tight as the canti springs are mega.

Lovely job, well done, looks wonderful

Good to see a Dawes get some love

Makes me feel I need to get my bob Jackson finished!

Very nice mate :cool:
Champagne corks for bar end plugs maybe? Its a good excuse to get some extra Moet in for chrimbo :xmas-big-grin:
Of course, I've already been there, soooo 2013 of you...



sort of miss mine. but dont, but sorta do, but dont.
I like mine way better. Could you have made it any busier? And the bars? :?

You should've stripped it back to basics. Ride is really quite nice.
it was as it came from Dawes - no ebay/ RB sales ads were harmed in the building of that bike right down to the original whit cables. It was 1987 you know.