brand recognition by "M" letter


Dirt Disciple
Hello! Can you help me recognize a brand by this M letter on bottom bracket and on frame? It doesn't look like Masi or F. Moser.


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Well. Having said in the other thread that it's not a Moser, perhaps it is - not a Francesco Moser, but an Aldo Moser.

As I understand it (and it's difficult to find any real information), with the help of Ugo de Rosa it was Aldo Moser's frame building workshop that eventually became Cicli Moser but that might just be adding 2 and 2 and getting an answer of 5.
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I wonder what era the OP frame is. Under bb cable guides, short lugs and waisted fork crown. Didn't see any internal routing, mid to late 80's?
Despite using an under bracket guide the rear mech cable is then internally routed through the chain stay to emerge at the top at around the point that a cable stop would normally be fitted. The bike is something of a bitsa - the frame appears to be very well made and possibly light in weight and sports a braze-on for the front mech whereas the rear mech is several decades older, being a Campagnolo Valentino.
Well. Having said in the other thread that it's not a Moser, perhaps it is - not a Francesco Moser, but an Aldo Moser.

As I understand it (and it's difficult to find any real information), with the help of Ugo de Rosa it was Aldo Moser's frame building workshop that eventually became Cicli Moser but that might just be adding 2 and 2 and getting an answer of 5.
WOW! Thank you a lot! I went through many forums and pictures of the bottom bracket on the internet, but only you found the same 'M'! Now I need to get more info on Aldo Moser's workshop haha