Bikes at the dump.......

When ever I go to the tip I always make sure to have some cash on me just in case.
To this day I have never seen any bike even remotely worth trying to buy, so have never asked and therefore don't know what their stance is.
I live in hope!
That picture reminds me of one day many moons ago, when I was dumping garden waste at our local recycling center and I glanced up and saw a Silver Jubilee Grifter on top of a pile of scrap and I begged then to get it down for me and they flat refused🤬

See thats the kind of story I was hoping for....although with a happier ending!

I saw a tatty mag wheel chopper at the same tip BITD but always disliked choppers as joke bikes with no real use other than the handlebars & already had a set of MK1 apehangers on my Bomber.

I did take a grifter which i nicked the handlebars off & gave the rest to a friend to break...they were heavy things.
In theory, the same setup could be run with the profits going into the public purse.
They do that in Sweden, tips are run by local government and the larger ones have a second hand shop next door.
So as you drive in there's a covered, drive through, warehouse and anything you think can be saved or recycled gets taken out, reviewed, sorted and either scraped or sold.

As for people taking bikes from the tip, I had a call, many years ago about a local scrote, well known for stealing bikes, who had been arrested whilst riding one of my old bikes. (Easily recognisable, it was a custom made frame in team colours. Probably less than a dozen in existence. Mostly in Italy or Switzerland.)

Except. The frame was a write off, top tube was dented and bent, down tube was bowed. Carbon fork leg was terminally damaged.

The silly shit had pulled it out of the skip along with a moving box full of shagged out campag 8 speed gear that I hadn't even been able to give away. Shark toothed chain rings and cassettes, bent mechs, gouged crank arms, seized brake calipers, ergo powers with no click and cracked lever bodies... Plus a pair of wheels with sidewalls I could flex with my fingers. You get the idea.

It would have killed him eventually.
But what is described above is how it was here at many local authority sites - a second hand bit for people to freely buy from with many sites having a 2nd hand shop

None of that is 'allowed' now by our local and seemingly many others.
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You lot are just miffed you don't get first pick!

Why not just get a waste carrier license and ring your local tip saying you will pay 60p a bike but you want a guarantee you will get ALL of them.

Rent a unit to sort them and see how far the odd team marin goes to pay the rent.......
Reading some of this, where I am in the sticks in Burgundy, I guess I'm lucky.

No issues taking anything, and no money is changed hands. More often than not, they actually leave interesting stuff out or fish stuff out of the skip what they think is decent so people can take it and re-use it without fuss. They will also give you a hand fishing things out of the skips if you ask for help. One mate even asked if he could borrow the office for a while to try some clothes on and suggested to the site manager the place would be much better with a bar, or at the very least a vending machine for cold beer.

It's a very well run site with a very positive ethic and is much appreciated since we are in a financially poor regional nature preserve with limited commerce - they understand that being snotty will only lead to fly tipping.
The cycle shop where I had worked had a contract with a large waste company that runs Yorkshires tip sites, not sure on costs but they also got 'bric-a-brac' and have made a good 'community interest' business from that too.

This meant all items handed over to the site belonged to the contract holder if they wanted them, this also meant that anyone at the site selling or taking them were stealing and as such created bit of a problem as items couldnt be taken or sold by staff any longer, so they were being shuffeled to bordering fences for later aquirement which brought in cameras and cost people jobs, The staff now..... are just doing their jobs

a contract is a contract

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