Bici Italiane - show us your Italian MTB’s, components catalogues etc

Built this up then sold it as it was too big for short legged me
Bianchi Nth 1996
With FRM parts and a 3TTT Pro Ti bar AAE9D22E-5A3F-448A-B3D4-8EB69A98A2AA.jpeg CB9BA904-2B53-4F1B-A736-224E584B5BCB.jpeg
2834E41C-415E-46C3-92FF-80A5BB67A24C.jpeg F0664487-5E47-49A7-A96C-CBF2B9BE3E20.jpeg D90EC2A0-8868-4E46-99BF-5249398AF75D.jpeg 67C72D57-40F2-43C8-B85C-AEA419571C3B.jpeg
Those old bikes have just amazing bleeding-edge graphics. We see them through eyes more or less used to looking at psychedelic Day-Glo Kleins... think about how out-there this kinda stuff was, in the days of 80's "autumn" palettes. Crazy
matching Stem
That looks similar to a TEC one.