Any Zwifters?

I've done a lot of miles on Zwift.

When I first started, there was a huge increase in my fitness IRL and I am at my fittest and fastest when I combine Zwift workouts with real life riding.

It's a remarkably social place with the same riders often joining the same rides so you get to know people. Many Zwifters have met IRL and ridden together aswell.
Yup, got it after I slip over on ice a few winters ago and broke my collar bone... Whilst going outside is more fun, I can still go cycling when it's icey, or late & dark, or simply I'm in charge of the children and also late & dark. Picked up a second hand road bike with knackered bearings, fitted a new bottom bracket as that was the only one that mattered and it's permanently on a smart turbo - so relatively realistic in going up and down hills etc, I'm not social on it, just enjoy a pootle around the world.