Am I the only male in the UK who

dyna-ti":3tb1elg5 said:
Mike Muz 67":3tb1elg5 said:
I wonder if he dated that young lady from Geneva? They seemed to hit it off well.

'She's from Geneva, how am I meant to take her back to Grimsby?' :LOL: :LOL:

You've noticed too ?
He does it in every program :LOL: First bit of tottie presents itself he makes a beeline for her :LOL:

Doubt he has to try too hard. Imagine he's beating them of with a stick majority of the time
cycletothesea":ll3orvfu said:
I think the general consensus from this straw poll is that the poster is the only person who doesn't like Guy Martin.

It was always going to be a tough audience :LOL:
Love him. The recent India programme was good too, waiting for part 2 now.
His autobiography is a good read. Basically a nutter when it comes to speed, cycles 250 miles a week to work and back....can't knock him for that!!!!
Fair opportunity to post a TT link. Of which i have most :LOL: Been over twice as a spectator and dear lordy what an event :D
If you go and bike or not you will see everything ever built .There is every conceivable 2 wheeled affair ever made and they all like to visit the TT at once :shock:

This one by Al Jazeera is about the best.
And it features Guy :D
He's a cool guy and very shy about his tv 'fame'.
I've seen him at the last two Strathpuffer 24 hours and the guy is fast, be it 3 in the afternoon or 3 in the morning. He came past me in the middle of the night last year and whilst both doing it solo, we were clearly at opposite ends of the spectrum, me just having a go at surviving 24 and him going for the win, but he was still giving me encouragement to keep going up one of the wet and muddy climbs. Much respect for his acheivements and attitude already but that just confirmed to me that he was the nice guy I thought.

cycletothesea":1dbi4m4q said:
I think the general consensus from this straw poll is that the poster is the only person who doesn't like Guy Martin.
But on the bright side we ALL are with you regarding the need to remove Davina Mccall from this universe
He is watchable in small doses when the subject matter is interesting - I suspect as the telly moguls will exploit the opportunity and the subject matter will become less credible. He comes across as a latter day Fred Dibnah, who'd be equally as happy to continue what he's doing without us watching or showing an interest. What I find likeable is that he's not trying to convert his audience in any way, shape or form - he doesn't think that his way is the only way. Why he allows himself to be a telly celebrity I can't fathom - it must drive him even more bonkers than he already is! Would like it very much for him to win a TT but I'd like it even more if he comes through his roadracing years unscathed.