A disgrace to the two wheeled world

And, im not sure on this, but isnt cut gate a bridleway and if so the motos shouldnt have been there legally
Im sure it was declassified not long ago, so no, motorized vehicles are no longer allowed. Though looking at the picture they are not legal road bikes anyway.
Sheffield are pretty up on this, it's BRA1 A bridleway

I assume, like bicycles on footpaths, it's damage they look at.
Hence police are going after criminal damage and then also referring to Natural England for similar
I've always found the road 2 wheeled machine riders to be comrades. 'Two wheels good, Four bad'.
I never have. People are born arrissoles, they don't wake up one day and suddenly decide to become one, and the mode of transport they choose later in life seems to have no bearing upon that.