'96ish Custom Bontrager CX

coo…really like this , great find !

bit biased spending lots of time riding my xl bonty racelight and old or race … not really seen any bonty cx frames before - other than a white one riding I think by Jo Burt in a feature in mtb world mid 90s. Looking forwards to seeing how build progresses and learning how it actually rides compared to a bonty mtb
Just dug up an old complete set 400CX for an MTB build I'm planning.
But a set like that would really be better of on a bike like this (hybrid) as the iirc it's short cage too.
Nice color bike too.
coo…really like this , great find !

bit biased spending lots of time riding my xl bonty racelight and old or race … not really seen any bonty cx frames before - other than a white one riding I think by Jo Burt in a feature in mtb world mid 90s. Looking forwards to seeing how build progresses and learning how it actually rides compared to a bonty mtb

Well, it's been only been on one ride, and so far I have this to report: it's rapid as f**k!
just saved some ebay searches…although my racelight almost rides like I imagine a cx might handle…never having seen one - wonder how rare these frames are?
Well, they don't come up that often, but they were in the catalog for a number of years.

I'd been on the hunt for a while, but hadn't seen any in my size or budget before.

This one is arguably too small, but it was also too pretty and came at a decent price, so I figured I had to at least try!

I'll get into more detail later, but it's a custom frame, and, as such, has a bunch of unique and weird details the normal CX's don't share.

Which means I'd say this one is close to being about as rare as a Bontrager gets, seeing as it's a one-off!
That is rad.…I suspected rare - but not quite to this level - thank goodness you posted on here in the mtb zone as would not have seen over in the retro roadie area!

Towards the end of last year think there were some pricey bonty composite forks for 700c on ebay - I might be mistaken on that but the legs were curved like a a road bike?

If you really find it too small - of course would be interested … looking forwards to learning more in due course.

Fun cyclo cross racing fact … much to the amusement / embarassment / horror of my friends at a 3 Peaks event many years ago I asked Keith Bontrager to autograph my Bonty Ti-Lite with a sharpe felt tip pen...wish had asked him about cx frames now!?