Recent content by kingoffootball

  1. kingoffootball

    Titanium bike - £50 Special welds as proof. It does appear to have hydraulic brakes though.
  2. kingoffootball

    What are your retro bike plans for 2024.

    Still buying things I didn't know I needed until I saw them. Somone sold me a lovely chain guide recently .....
  3. kingoffootball

    GT Cyclone

    What a beauty 😍
  4. kingoffootball

    Raleigh Avanti 531

    The Avanti started as a lugged fork but moved to a unicrown by 1989. The Ozark and lower were unicrown earlier from 1987, I think.
  5. kingoffootball

    Raleigh Ozark vs Avanti question

    The Ozark had at least three paint schemes. White to red fade, red to black fade and an orange-yellow-white fade which I think was a mid-year scheme before the new bigger lugged rage replaced them. Avanti - a white to turquoise fade, a black to speckley grey/white, and a yellow/black Team...
  6. kingoffootball

    Folders! Foldable bicycles; love or hate? do you own/use one? Minivelos and demontables added

    There's an Airnimal Chameleon up for sale on Ebay at the moment: A bit tatty, but seems like a (relatively) good price.
  7. kingoffootball

    Sold Rohloff 8290 chain keeper 1x setup

    I would like this please.
  8. kingoffootball

    Top End Scott Frames - factories and frame numbers

    Interesting, thank you. Does anyone know where either of those were built? 😅
  9. kingoffootball

    Claud Butler
  10. kingoffootball

    Top End Scott Frames - factories and frame numbers

    Yes, it is not certain that it's the same factory. Hopefully some more examples will come out of the woodwork.
  11. kingoffootball

    Bike/parts Collection Assistance Thread

    Possibly @legrandefromage if he's around at the moment?
  12. kingoffootball

    X-lite stem

    Probably. That seller often has bikes/components for sale at what I would consider optimistic prices.
  13. kingoffootball

    cheap 26" Tyres at banana industries

    If I have free time in Sheffield I'll send a message and arrange to come and see that Clark Kent - I'm always interestedin seeing the early titanium bikes.
  14. kingoffootball

    MTB, Pollard ???

    I can't be of any help with information, but I love that. It's a good job I haven't seen anything that cool and in that size on Ebay, because I have no room but not sure I could resist. Any build plans or does that depend on confirming Pollard as the maker first?
  15. kingoffootball

    best XT iteration?
