Would you be a MTBer now?


Retrobike Rider
Gold Trader
98+ BoTM Winner
Klein Fan
If I was in my 20es now. Not seeing a lovely Trimble, Marin Team Ti or Klein etc to buy. But the rubbish 29ers that are on offer now. Then I'm certain I'd be a road rider. Every thing about MTBing now just leaves me cold and un interested. From the clothing they all seem to be wearing to the language they use. And it seems all to be focused on down hilling.
There’s some nice stuff out there. Pole , Yeti , SC etc. Most of the big brands are a little boring I agree.

MTB is now firmly aimed at the mid life crowd who have a disposable income , want to wear fluorescent clothing and try to be “rad” or something similar. I deliberately went for a grey bike / black clothing to blend in a little.

I doubt that many 20 somethings could afford a nice bike as it’s definitely a middle class sport now with prices. I don’t see many nice high end mtb when out. 10k Road bikes however are everywhere
It was a middle class sport way back when too. I got into it at university, and was gobsmacked at what even a entry level bike like the Saracen Sahara cost (basically an entire terms' worth of living costs) and how little you got for your money compared to the stuff in the mags. The most I'd paid for a bike previously was £20. Parts were often a week's worth of food, sometimes more. I suspect it's actually easier to get into it now as there's a lot more second hand stuff and you can still get an entry level bike new at £3-400, and it's a lot more capable and likely longer lasting than the Sahara too.

It's a shame that the bike media seems mostly about the expensive stuff, but it was always thus. The only real difference, is that the higher end seems to have got really high end ie £10K+ which is likely more than the inflation adjusted prices of the high end stuff bitd. I am also astonished at some of the bikes that teens are riding at bike parks, but I suspect they are unusual rather than the norm.

As to whether I'd have got into it if I was a 20 something now? Probably if I'd met the right crowd. I have always taken whatever bike I had off road.
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As a 13 year old in 1991 my first mtb was a £200 fully rigid, way too big, British Eagle. Adjusting for inflation (BofE inflation calculator) that's somewhere in the region of £425, and I could get actually get a much better (well has suntour front suspension) Carrera than that these days.

So I'd still be riding mtb: If I could have had fun on the British Eagle, I'd have fun on anything.

My first decent bike might be a bit different, there's such a variety out there, but the equivalent brand new Orange P7, actually is similar in cost with inflation at about £2.4k (ignoring gucci parts). Unfortunately I'm not sure take away restaurant pay has risen with inflation, and laws might have changed so i actually couldn't work, so I might struggle to save up and afford that.

I really like where MTB is now. DH is the best to watch, but XC is still there if you want. And everyone (well most ordinary people) just ride trails or bridleways anyway. I would have killed for trail centres when I was a kid.
Yes I would like to think so.

Probably doing the same as I was back in the 90,s, riding DH, singletrack and just having fun with mates riding whatever we had available. The big difference for me know though is the all the trail and DH centers offering to take you back up the hill, more riding time has got to be better :)
All my school mates got into it at the same time and I joined in. The same thing could happen if I was that age now.
Entry level bikes are still a thing, so the route would be similar and without the knowledge of the last 30 years, I'd just go with what I could afford. Wheelsize, suspension, frame materials etc wouldn't even come into it for the first bike. Just fun in the woods with mates.
Would I become a mountain biker if I were young today? I don't know, not sure if I feel like I am a mountain biker now. I haven't flung myself down a mountain in years. I have always been a trail rider, though, long before I knew that mountain bikes existed. I love to explore the wilderness on two wheels. I would assume that if I started again today, I'd just search out the most practical bike for that purpose.
hmm . . . i suppose it depends a lot on where you ride and what you ride. take me for example, i'm 48, i have typical UK XC riding around me, a retrobike is fully capable of riding here but i barely ever get them out, i use my modern Orange P7 most which is a 29er frame with 27+ wheels in it with a 140mm suspension fork, it's much more comfortable, takes the hits, doesn't give me back ache, so yeah i'm happy riding modern here more so than retro, for Wales i have my Orange Phase E bike, my Orange 5 and my Orange Alpine6 for the bike parks and uplift days and the Alps once a year so the retrobikes don't really get a look in.

regards road riding, to be honest i have mostly given up! too many idiots going too fast, i only have retro road bikes now, nothing modern, i occasionally ride them to the local brewery, more because they are bling and look great next to the "stealthy" carbon bikes.

gravel bikes, i sort of have one, i tried a few, they ride nice, had an RX9 from orange, bit racey, had a Sutra from Kona, felt too big, tried an Orange Speedwork, felt too short in the toptube, currently got an older kona rove, rebuilt it with GRX, seems ok, but frankly i'll use it more as a utility tourer commuter style bike than an actual gravel bike.

clothes wise, i think you find what works for you, i live all year round in ion shorts and mostly their black tee shirts, the shorts sit just over the knee, loose fit, in black, i wear them in the shop, and on the bike, perfect for me, i don't do bright clothing, and any logos need to be simple or small. i hate high viz even though i understand why people wear it.

having the shop i see what other people wear, sometimes i am shocked, parents that won't wear helmets but insist their kids do, matching high viz couples in their 50's plus, the mid 30's lot that are new-ish to biking or occasional bikers that never wear anything appropriate and have a can of coke wedged in to a crudely bent bottle cage! the kids with helmets hanging on the bars, the pikey with an obviously stolen bike that doesn't have brakes riding towards the shop with a fag hanging out his gob and a can of monster in one hand doing none handed.

yeah people who ride bikes, very odd bunch.

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