Where'd you see this retro thing going?

A really interesting thread. I think this sub genre of cycling will endure, but it will obviously evolve over time with more modern bikes becoming retro. If you dip over to the 98+ section you will see lots of bikes and discussions on handbuilt custom Ti and steel framed steeds. These are modern bikes, but we can all probably relate to them as retro as they have the craftsmanship and traditional look of the 'original' era bikes. The recent resurgence in popularity in these frames / bikes may indicate where the retro scene could be heading. In any case, nostalgia is not what it used to be ;)

*Thread Resurrection Alert!*

Been pondering on this, and as per brocklander's post, I think it's at stage 7 now. I joined the forum over a decade ago, when I'd say it was at stage 2-3, was around for stage 4, and drifted away at 5-6. Tried to make a comeback but it doesn't feel like it used to tbh.
Re: Re:

gradeAfailure":31dpia11 said:
*Thread Resurrection Alert!*

Been pondering on this, and as per brocklander's post, I think it's at stage 7 now. I joined the forum over a decade ago, when I'd say it was at stage 2-3, was around for stage 4, and drifted away at 5-6. Tried to make a comeback but it doesn't feel like it used to tbh.

I am almost drowning in quality road parts for pennies as that band wagon parties on to 12spd cassettes.

Its great.

But for MTB... Hmmmm. Its almost back to 2010 again with silly prices being asked for parts/ bikes regardless of quality but not actually being achieved.

You can still pick up quality good condition kit for very little if you are patient and prepared to widen your brand name search.

Car boot sales are still fun too and ebay is still the gift that keeps on giving. I've totally ignored other platforms like shpock and gumtree, freecycle etc etc. But then I'm not looking to accumulate to speculate, just to keep my raggedy fleet in oily bits.

*IE: number 7!
Good post resurrection :LOL:

I´m out of any trend. I own a nice 1996 bicycle because in that era was my dream bike and now I´m rebuilding it. I own a 2006, 2007 and 2017 bicycles and I love all, they are all special for me. different from the normal stuff you can see in a magazine but that is how I undertand the Mtb. No one except the 1996 is a full bike, I build all my bicycles with the bits I like.

I don´t care the 26-27.5-29" stupid battle", or if some one think my bicycle is updated, or any other stuff like that. I don´t earn money with bicycles, I only ride them and that is all.

Forgot about this one!

My 2p is that we're somewhere between 5 and 6. I feel retro bikes have clung on better than R/C cars and interest in the top gear keeps putting prices up. Few more bargains about again and still the odd gem appears. I reckon we've probably just about stood still since the original post.
My tuppence worth is its has shown and is still showing people what constitutes a good bike, which doesnt have to cost £4000.
And for £400 you can get or build something far superiour to mass produced .

Ok most of us have them but...................:LOL: :LOL:
dyna-ti":37vxzyyo said:
And for £400 you can get or build something far superiour to mass produced .
Which was itself most likely mass-produced when it was new...! ;) :LOL:

I think for me, the biggest indicator that the retro MTB scene is basically over is themountie's retro coffee morning thread; when we were at the peak of things there'd have been loads of interest, people driving a few hours to meet up, ride, etc. Now? Virtually no interest whatsoever. Group rides BITD had 20-30 people show up, particularly in the SE. Now? I think the last one that Mike Muz 67 organised had one person show.

There's less wow-factor builds appearing, and it feels mostly like it's all been done. Almost every new bike that appears is fairly mid/low-end stuff, and anything above that has already been seen.

For me, at least, it's been discs that have put paid to my retro riding - I'm happy to ride without gears, without suspension, without a dropper post, with steep angles - but I doubt I'll ever own another rim-braked bike again, which pretty much means I'll never have another retro unless I add disc tabs to it.

Mind you, there was that drum-braked Saracen that popped up... ;)
bikes with rim brakes are just 26 inch sized discs

have been all over the Peaks with cantilevers and not really had an issue yet

and have had hydraulic disc brakes since around 1995 sooo....?

Well, true - I just don't like using a part of the wheel's structure as a consumable braking surface that's all!

I know that discs have been around since retro days, but sadly not the standard ISO mount dimensions (unless you know otherwise?).

Besides, my 26"-wheeled steel-framed Kona-geometry'd Voodoo Wanga is pretty damn close to a retro bike in spirit.. ;)

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