Titanium seat post with slight bend

It's not going to break, it's be worried about a dent which could cause it to fold. Provided it's a smooth bend with no dent I would ride it.

Plenty of people made seatposts with a crank anyway.
Cheers. Would the bend cause any issues with the frame which is also ti? Appreciate that if the post were to bend further over time, it would happen slowly, but would this stress the frame? It's a bit of a garage queen but will get used periodically so just want to be sure I won't be harming it.
I'd say no. I had 3 seatposts bend on me. Those were Aluminium tubes, two of them even reinforced on the inside. They always bent above the seatclamp. As the frames tubes add additional strength. So the tube would be forced to bend at the weakest point + where most of the levered force hits the tube. And that is above the seat clamp.
Thanks for the feedback, I feel reassured that I can run with this and upgrade the look of the build.


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