the daily mule now with added KICK


Senior Retro Guru
you gotta love this site where else would I get to post pictures of my pride and joy fully knowing the howls of foul that she's sure to generate. 1991 Raleigh blueridge Reynolds 531 for free. Donated to me by the estates department at university, I think it had been abandoned by an indian MBa student and languished chained but covered for 3 years as I only plucked up the courage to ask if I could have it as I was leaving. Now sporting genuine retro full suspension and my favourite hop up stx-rc gruppo. You'll never enjoy this as much as I do.


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Re: the daily mule

The more I see this the more I notice. Like the underslung pump provision, odd cages, and that seat qr? We are two individuals. Our bikes, our style. Nice.

Re: the daily mule

The seat QR is just for show, hidden below there is a genuine Raleigh seatnut, and indeed, with the help of a kickstand, the mule can stand unaided! yes! but does tend to list and has a habit of falling over if left alone for too long...props?
buddy that's what friends are for........
Re: the daily mule

Quick update folks, no pic's fortunately for you.
Some unfriendly oik recently robbed my fantastically faked up seatpost qr, trying and failing comprehensively to remove my hens teeth rear suspension ( the bit under the saddle moved to another build for safety) in the meantime I've swapped to a Brookes b77 with a gel cover and a rubber rain cover too (doubles as one of those handy collapspable bucket washbowl things and a convincing monsoon hat too)
Ugly enough to deter all but the stupidest of cycle hoodlums now.

Extra Karma is required for the mule if any ones interested, happily pay the huge cost of postage. The non spiky side crank arm is a wrong un and bassano grimeca's blue/orange weighty mag wheels are desperately wanted, combo's or matching front and rear as long as they're solid I don't care....

ps..rear psi at about 29...... :facepalm:
Re: the daily mule

I had the largest night out ever the other month, really humdrubbin and flubbber in a puddle (old rosie 3pints in 2 hrs if you must know) I somehow managed to lose my keys and had to try to spring my bike with the aid of the old trusty scissor-jack trick the following day!! hahaI hope I never have to resort to that one again.
Didn't know my own strength and snapped the ring on the jack leaving the whole mess in situ. Stumped I sulked off home in the rain. Next day I stroll back to consider my options only to find my bike had mostly sprung itself over night and had managed to throw off its shackles but not quite free itself from the church railings.
Hooray!! I thought to myself unsubtle and still unstolen that's the thing I like about living here.. 5 minutes later sat on the nearest bench coffee in hand cycle safely next to me some snoot charges up asking if that's my bike! cos' if it isn't he saw it first and would I mind if...
Life has a way of reminding you to be grateful sometimes :)
Keepin' them safe from harm.
props due

Reminds me of my mate who had a LBS for a while. He got rid of all the part exchange BSO by chaining them to another friends railings outside his posh house whilst he was away at work. Of course it didn't take long to work out who was doing it but it didn't mean it stopped. :LOL: