Single Chain ring on BB30 Crank


Dirt Disciple
Ive got a Sram X7 2X10 BB30 Set up on my Stumpy which i want to convert to 1 x10.

Rear is no problem as i plan to fit some type of expander but the front isnt so easy as i cant find a 120 bcd front ring around 32-34 as they all seem to be around 40-42 thats on sale apart from a 34 that was nearly £80 which i aint paying.

What are my options apart from buying a new crank,ideally id like something to work with 104 bcd as these seem much more common and i already have a few to play around with.
Thanks for the links,ive gone for the 36T Renthal as thats the smallest available for a 120/BB30 Crankset.