Rock Lobster #0067

Well, it took some time but I got it ready to ride:

It fits perfect and it rides awesome - I really love it!

Some better pictures will follow in the next days and I am looking forward to hit the dirt :)
I just saw, I never answerd the last question. How I track down the frame? I asked Paul Sadoff and he gave me the right contact... Here we go.

BUT I have some more reasons to write today.
First of all, I want to share some pictures:

Then, another picture but with some serious content - so be aware!

Thats it - there is one, rather two f**cking cracks in the headtube! The frame is at the painter for stripping it. I need to check if there are some more cracks. Afterwards it will be repaired, but that might take some time...
The pictures of the repaired frame look great. It should be like new now.

What size chainring do you use? Looks pretty big for off-road singlespeed? Or maybe you have legs like Schwarzenegger?!
Yeah, I am really looking forward to build it up again and go ride...
@jimo746 - I will set down the gear ratio - this is more a commuting/winter setup; in the woods some times I had to get off and walk...
But anyway I am happy that it is repaired...