Record Sprint and 105 Groupset

Right, an update, such as it is... didn't manage to do anything to it at all at the weekend, unfortunately. Had a rare Friday-night 'session' of an order of magnitude not seen or equalled since the days I was actually riding this bike 20 years ago... So the last thing I wanted to do on Saturday (and even Sunday) was have my sore head inches from an angle grinder for an hour. Will have a look at it this weekend instead...
I don't know what it is you think you're going to do with that angle grinder, but I suggest you don't.

If you want the paint and rust off, use chemical strippers and a wire wheel attached to a drill. That way you'll actually have some bike left when you're done.
That's still too harsh and absolutely rubbish at dealing with curves and the nooks and crannies. You need control over the speed, as well.