Raleight Summit - Sunn Tonic - KHS Cross


Retro Newbie
Bit of help needed.

I have these bikes in my garage which I need sell. My new house hasn't got a garage so I have nowhere to store these so the wife to me to get rid :cry: .

Just wondered how much these bikes are worth?

Raleigh Summit - 1992-3 forks gone but rest of bike dosent seem to bad. Needs TLC (19")
Sunn Tonnic - Excellent condition not sure of age. Think its a (17")
KHS - Good condition. 700c hybrid cross. Again I think its 17". Really want to keep this bike. Fast and agile.

Any help or offers on these would be great. Not very good on these forums by the way, trying to add pics now.


Raleigh won't be much mate.. Probably 30 or so. Is it a k2 steel model? I struggled to give away a Raleigh apex 1993 complete bike.

Sunn undervalued but great..probably £150-80 depending on spec and condition.

Khs probably easiest to sell given road and hybrid popularity. Pretty unusual so hard to gauge but you would probably pay £150 for a similar marin hybrid (stilson or something) so go from there. Depends on spec etc