Orange Clockwork 1989 w. Campagnolo Centaur


Original forks it will be!
Searching for a low stack height non-shimano headset...
Thanks for your input!

lowest stack height 1" headset I've ever found is the Tange Passage. They're not even slightly fancy but if low is what you need......
Ebay item number 390718430777
Re: Re:

MatBH5":r56g3wuv said:
So... A choice
The steerer on the original forks is too short for the stack height on a Campagnolo headset. Seems a shame not to use all campy stuff.
I have some 1st Gen RC30s which are in need of a re-spray anyhow, and can fit with the Campagnolo headset.
Should I :
a) stick with the original forks with a Shimano headset;
b) spray the RC30 black (as was the aftermarket colour from Pace);or
c) go with a colour matched flouro yellow on the RC30, which will match the frame, and be similar to the RC100 colour too.
I'm thinking c), but happy to hear your thoughts - thanks...

I'm thinking that your mrs must be away, if you're getting away with taking pics in the lounge :LOL:

No Mark, any move which looks even slightly like a bike being put together and therefore possibly leaving the spare room is positively recieved. Then it gets put back :LOL:
Ride / Beers due soon, mate.

I was looking at mine today Mat and realised the pictures just don't do the yellow justice. In the right light it glows! Is yours the same?

Yes, it certainly does glow. Especially in nice bright sunlight. I did have a long debate with someone (an old orange aficionado) who swore this was a lime green. Can't see it myself.

After 5 years and no updates for nearly 4 years... I think it’s time to release the frame and fork into the wild :|

Bump to link to a for sale thread shortly. Pictures tomorrow. Frame and fork say £120 plus post so I don’t fall foul of any pricing rules.

Yep, best laid plans and all that. Perhaps releasing my longest-running (non-)build will start to get a bit of order restored to the garage.
I’ll gather up the matching stem and bar too, of course.
Thanks for the comment!

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