Klien vs cannondale

My first pricey bike was a cannondale.
The welding had been smoothed but still had pot holes in the weld. Spec was mediocre with own brand kit which means cheap unbranded kit.
At the time-1995 or 96 there were plenty of bikes cheaper and better specced. I was aware at the time it was the name i was paying for
I still feel that way.
Klein we didnt see much but what we did see gave the impression of attention to the smallest of details.
Not a case of LX, XT OR XTR and more a case of what cranks and why :? What brakes
And on that Cannondale innovation on the braking department started and finished on one set :p
Im not and neither it would appear is anyone questioning that one is stronger or longer lasting than the other. Just that more attention has been put into the finished product.

I was riding them from the 80s, and working on them. At one time, they were the number one desirable bike for the courier crowd. Equipped with fat slicks, there was nothing faster and more convenient to haul up stairs and such.

There is no question all 'brands' suffer at some point, from the cost/quality/profit conundrum, but Cannondale stayed relevant in my view.

Their work on suspension and seriously capable XC rigs has been stellar.
:eek: Wow. I was never under the impression that Kleins were anything similar to a 'dale, apart from the aluminium used. But I actually learned something from that thread. So thanks for that! Especially to Danson.