Home electrics...what have I done?

mattr, it was jonnugget69 I was talking about.

The green was just a comment on what used to use green.

I've got it all to look forward to again, about to finish buying a new house.

Current house was bakelite and twisted cotton covered wire in many of the places.
Next ones 'extensions' where done in 1977 iirc about the time the first colour changeover happened.
The garage has already been deemed unsafe and do not use by the conveyance and who knows what under the boards.

hey ho, adds to the fun.
My electrics are also duff but im getting a sparks in to take a look.

Kitchen- Dishwasher,oven and kettle on at the same time(along with fridge/freezer) the rca on the board trips.
I dont think the oven ring is 16a and the surge from something like the kettle is tripping it.

Last time i corrected it though it refused to come back on :facepalm: hence needing the sparks rather than replace the oven socket with the correct 16a cooker socket myself, only to find the wiring isnt thick enough.

I would recommend you do that also.
Electrics along with gas are the two things that cause house fires all by themselves. Get someone who knows what he's looking at to check it for you.