Help with identifying this Marzocchi fork pls?

Are these seals decent? I got a '99 Bam Z-something that leaks past the right-side seal, it's got those seals by the looks of it but installed by ways of a screwdriver judging by the tool marks on the dust wipers. I can tolerate this small leak for now but I'd like to fix it during winter while it's cold and dark and all-around miserable outside 😂
They seem ok so far, one of the original seals was leaking and these seem to have stopped that. I wouldn’t say that they’re oem quality but they went in ok and seem to be doing their job. 👍
Well, it’s inconclusive exactly what forks they are, but they do seem plush after a fresh dose of 7.5w oil and new seals..
They’re getting fresh decals next week hopefully, badged up as Bombers.. if only because I like the font and colours of the decals I’ve chosen...
Are these seals decent? ..
Well, this (Endur##) are standard mass seals. In most cases they will do the trick and if you look around you will get a better price.

But I personaly don't agree to the technical solution for this very 'simple' outer dust seal without a stiff body made out of silicon. In my option it will not seal off dirt as it should do so.
I think Marzocchi technicans did a very good job, when they developed the 2nd generation of the 30mm Bombers (after the 24mm, the 26mm XC-Sseries and the first 30mm Bomber's seal) and continuing with the later Bomber's seals series. You will see some very interested details in there if you compare with Endur## or Ari## seals ;-)
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