Getting old? Have you ever thought about it????

You talk of old age!

Now these old gal's are ''still going strong''

You've just not got to over rev things and keep the joints checked!


How are people measuring their BMI? My last check up had mine at 27 odds, which seems about right given I can't tighten my belt as much as normal, but even when perfectly fit and in fighting condition mine is above the 'healthy weight' range. If it is important to you, get it checked properly.
I am happy with the age I am right now (51) but what does give me pause is when I meet some one in their eighties and then do the math.

I am very immature... :LOL: at almost 48. Love goofing about with my 5 yr old daughter. She keeps me young. I drive like I stole it when I'm in the mood. I still actively compete against and try to dominate younger blokes and eye up women I could have fathered :facepalm: ;) Thankfully, I still get plenty of attention from them which is good for the old mojo, although sometimes I catch a glimpse of myself and think who is that old git :shock: I hang out with people much younger than me, which naturally keeps you on your toes I reckon.

Life is short and brutal. Seen too much baaaad shiat happen people over the years and had more than my fair share.

Carpe diem :cool:
Is the current line of thinking that getting old is all in the mind?

I would still argue the point that 'responsibility' causes aging or, at least, it causes you to consider the aging process. Perhaps another word for 'responsibility' is stress and I certainly feel more stressed as I get older (bearing in mind that I now have a daughter).

There is no doubt that some people physically age better than others; unfortunately for me, I have always looked older than I actually am - with work pressures and family pressures contributing to my current haggard visage. I am still more interested in why my attitudes are changing as I grow older. Perhaps my own experience of a lot of things has changed my attitude. Nowadays I second guess myself sometimes, for example, when I see a young person driving quickly, I think - they are mad; but then I have the thought, 'I used to do that'. Very hypocritical of me to think that.

Am I wrong?


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