cheapish Roberts Roughstuff? frameset

Re: Re:

suburbanreuben":1rprk0ds said:
caustic soda and a cork needed. job jobbed!

Yep. Better that then a frame butchered and split to prize or drill it out. Tedious job but foolproof

Cheers chaps, clearly this is karma for nabbing it 'outside the Bay'!!
I had no idea and the seller claims not to have known either (he isn't a bike guy, so plausible). He had a number of other offers so isn't in the mood to bargain around a partial refund.
What to do, I wonder..? It's a frame I'm not likely to find again in a hurry, at a price I can afford.
Caustic? Protect the paint somehow? Is there any way of not ruining the paint?
The 'seatpost guy'?
Hacksaw technique?
Ream out at a machine shop?
This joins : a Hardisty mtb ... Yates road ... Fuquay mtb all with stuck seatposts! I need to find a technique that works.
I should add that none of these happened on my watch.

Send a pic and get a quote from Seat post man. He won't damage paint but might need to pay for postage there and back.

Caustic soda. Lots of threads on it. I have one somewhere on my saracen kili e stay. I damaged the paint but I think if you watch it and pour water over any spillage on the paint fairly quickly you should be ok. Depends how quick you want it melting out! I wasn't patient so made a strong caustic soda mix to speed it along. I knew I was getting a repaint but it wasn't too damaged from it.
It you go down the caustic route it's not too difficult to protect the paintwork.

The frame I did was being powdercoated anyway, but the only reason the paintwork got any splashed on it was sheer nonchalance.

Some more photos - someone asked!
Certainly a nice enough frame to save.


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