Bottom bracket Kona Lava Dome 1993

It doesn't I am afraid, but the chainset is deffo a Sugino XD 450 : ... _dome.html

To measure it ( I can see you have taken both sides off, get a ruler, and two of anything with right angles on them: set square, book anything as long as it is small and you can set the base along the side of the ruler.
Tape the set square to that it's longest side is projecting at 90degrees from the ruler at the 10cm mark. This gives you a large set square.
Then holding it over the BB shell, place the long edge of the set square against one end of the axle, and set the other item, ( preferably another set square, but whatever works) against the other end of the akle making sure that it's bottom is flush and parallel with the ruler, and read off the length not forgetting to subtract the 10cm margin.

Hope that helps.

Oh or use a large G clamp if you have one, tighten it gently against the BB axle, remove and measure the gap.
i see there was some other posts while i figured out the photo.

Thanks for you help everyone..

now if i can just get the old one off.......
so here it is ..
Got the sucker off with a long pole and a blow torch... Phew do i feel manly
the axel measures 122mm does that sound right ? what do those numbers mean on it ?


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ha ha ..

done and dusted . new one fitted and bike back together ! I feel ever so proud of my self .. a fine sense of satisfaction fixing something yourself. thanks for the help

And .. its like a new bike ! everything is tight and responsive .. Just a new back wheel to go and i think all the parts that need to be swapped will have been.

i was looking at this ... 9.jpg.html

and the saddle on this looks way better than mine. Any idea what it is ?? and where i can get one ?