Bloody cyclists

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I've been good of late but really? How narrow minded and short sighted can you get?

Where's my glasses and Daily Mail?


Agree, with op. I say thanks to dog walkers who keep their dogs to one side when riding and do the same when out with our own dog . Sadly there are many who don't acknowledge this politeness when riding past.

Whilst I find this lack of manners annoying it pales into insignificance compared to the point of view I've heard on STW, which was that riders can legitimately run down any dog that fails to clear the bridleway or path quickly enough.

I didn't read the intervening posts from the self appointed anti dog bridleway lawyers, but would concur with History Man that anyone who runs over my dog (which lies down by my feet while bikes go past btw) or my children if they don't like small people as this is as reasonable as their other self centered drivel is asking for their stx chain ring to be inserted in their anus sideways.

Seethes quietly to himself muttering incoherently..

I'm very surprised with the anti-dog sentiment, especially the running them down on purpose comments, one question - why? Seems the easiest thing to do to slow down or even stop, why you would even think of running them down is beyond me.
I'm going to put it down to puffed up internet warrior bravery rather than actuality :facepalm:
Had a bath and some weetabix. Normal service resumed. ;)

I fear for Colin. Don't let him on the trails.
Re: Re:

swannymere":1iscsmau said:
I'm very surprised with the anti-dog sentiment, especially the running them down on purpose comments, one question - why? Seems the easiest thing to do to slow down or even stop, why you would even think of running them down is beyond me.
I'm going to put it down to puffed up internet warrior bravery rather than actuality :facepalm:
It wasn't a running them down on purpose comment. More a, I've given up being nice and trying to avoid uncontrolled dogs, and will happily kill or maim them, as long as I won't fall off in the process. I have to stop if they are big dogs though, as I'd probably come off, and I don't want that. I won't brake if I'm driving and one runs out in front of me either. I will for people.
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