7 speed freewheel


Dirt Disciple
looking for a new or good used 7 speed freewheel, something around 13-21 / 13-23 range, anybody got anything suitable?
I can't say 100% sat here - will check tonight, it is on a Record hub, most likely Italian but will check, it is a set of wheels I bought for this project and havent used so hence not sure.
what condition is it and what price are you looking for - pm me if you prefer, thanks, I will let you know about threads
Just checked and it is English, typical, thanks for looking and letting me know though, so anymore offers gladly appreciated
Hi, I have the following 7 speed blocks available
A Sachs 13-14-15-16-17-19-21 only light use £18-00+post.
A Suntour 12-13-14-15-17-18-21 as new £22-00+ Post
A Suntour 12-13-14-15-16-17-18 lightly used £18-00+ post
I also have a good selection of close ratio 6 blocks.

Regards silverlightning