console wars !!


Gold Trader
The PS3 kicks x-box 360s ass doesnt it ? ;)
I just thought id tell everyone, cause i thought it would make an amusing off topic thread !! and it will no doubt annoy all those 360 owners who know in the back of there heads that it true !!! :LOL:
The ps3 might well be better in terms of reliability, not much else but how many games can you play :?: Not that many is the answer :LOL:
The ps3 has been around for a while now and still the ps3 wall down @ game is bare :roll: What are they waiting for :?:
ps3 is not just a games machine either..

tis great, and great for online gaming with your friends/people you met too
well i had both and ended up selling the ps3,its got nothing over the 360 excpet bluray which wasnt enough for me to justify keeping store is shit and the games are pretty much all avaliable on the 360 anyway,sorry but ps3 is shite..
I have both consoles and to be honest both machines are very good.
My 360 has been modified so it now plays copies, so I have alot more games on the 360 compared to the 7 I have on ps3.
I think when they have mastered how to program games for the ps3 then it may just have the edge! :LOL: :LOL:
As a part of the glorious pc gaming master race (a PC gamer) I look down on all consoles with equal despise, so without any bias to one or the other I can probably provide quite an impartial view on the pro's and con's of the machines on offer to the dribbling console masses.

(Before you hang me please check out the rather amusing games reviews by Yahtze at zero punctuation it!, very amusing if your into games!)

PS3 is technically a superior machine, the graphics processing far surpasses that of the Xbox, The potential of the cell processor used in the PS3 is massive, however poorly used so far in the products life. But then again so it bloody well should be! its the latest to the market, and the youngest in terms of development!

The point has already been made that the PS3 is seen as lacking titles (particularly lacking original titles), and this is certainly true!

The console was also launched with many cutbacks and bugs, not least the well publicised issues with backwards compatibility to allow ps2 games to work on the PS3...ity was wasnt delivered in a useable state for many games.

The 360 was allowed to build steam by being available 2(?) years earlier than the PS3! With MS' backing the console has had a lot of top brand developers writing for apposed to the mainly re-spaffed prequel/sequel games of the PS3.

However it may have games but the 360 also has its issues...the dreaded ring of death..Only microsoft could get away with selling a product which is more likely than not going to completely fail at a random point in its life through no miss use by the user! It could happen in a year, it could happen in the minute after you first plug it in...but odds are it will happen and you will have to factor in a 2 week break without your precious games console whilst its being shipped off to MS for yet another exchange. (fairplay to MS for offering replacement machines outside of warranty for box's that suffer the ring of death... but they have acknowledged that if you walk out of a store today with a brand new Xbox, it is still just as likely to fail..they cant fix the problem that causes the death.)

The wii was everyones favorite party piece..hell even i tried one for a bit! but it shares similar problems with the PS3...IE a lack of games. It also has its own very special failings, no failings is the wrong word...features fits better. You see the wii is the least powerful of 3 current generation consoles, however it wasn't intended to blast away graphics horizons, its simply a fun box for 5- 10 year olds...and drunk adults!

At the end of the day IF i were to buy a console tomorrow it would be a 360, yes it will likely fail...yes its the oldest of the current generation machines, but it simply has the most important thing a console needs...a good quantity of good games!

However your all wrong and you should really spend your money on a PC that can be continually upgraded to keep on the cutting edge of gaming! You can keep your 4 year old Xbox technology, your 2 year old PS3 technology i'll play on my 6 month old PC tech... oh and Cod 4 on a console...pfft. ... ion-Crysis

just one example...worth checking out his others as they are rather funny :)
it does have that reputation... and its certainly not as fun as the wii was to gather around and play with mates whilst smashed...i'll grant you that :roll:

But as a games platform...i'll stand by it

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