Yes or NO!

Most definitely not.

The only thing that Haro needs are bull-horns to make a 26" Lo-Pro. It's begging for it.

Mmm a few for yes and a few for no. I see what you mean marc two tone. The forks might look raked out if they get much longer. I might need to have a change of plan. I might look at other e stays, maybe find more suitable geometry form another manufacturer. I did see a cheap carrera a few weeks ago, e stay with a straight top tube.

Do it, iirc al has done it already? If you're not happy just take them off......and sell them to me Haha

Lol, I’ve had them for a while and never found a suitable build for them. If I can’t settle on a frame I may move them on, buy a set of sids and go in another direction totally. That would be the easy way out though, I really want to use them.
Haro needs rigid straight-blades, end-of.
I can see how the AMPs are a sort of bouncy compromise, but no.

I appreciate you have a part looking for a project, and I think before we've probably all had a build that has started to house one particular part, but AMPs don't look right on many builds as it is....

Just my 2-pence. Please do flame me as appropriate.

Elite504, no flaming here. Happy to hear all points of view, coming round to the realisation it was a silly idea. Thanks to all for your input

K rod, I’ve got an 88 gsxr750j.