Wii Fit


Senior Retro Guru
Right i got my kids and wife this last year and want to know does it really work, has anyone used it with success since it arrived on the scene.

I have used it for the last 2 nights :oops: sad i know, but i am looking for something to do at home that i can do when kids are in bed as i aint had a lot of time to ride the last 9-12 months due to running round after my mother who nearly crocked it just before new year, 4 kids, work and a wife who works nights doesnt allow me to find time to go the gym.

I am also looking at getting a rowing machine and other bits i can do at home to break the monotony of doing the same thing day in day out

Any advice any may have on this would be great and thanks in advance
ha.ha I know what you mean .... We got one in the summer and doing the wii fit deff stretches and gives you a work out ... Not so sure the weighing is that accurate. Once the noverty wore off though stop doing it :roll:
Yeah i play games on it from time to time my fave being the guitar hero range i am a guitar god in easy mode :LOL: anything more than that and i anm a guitar gimp :LOL:

But the wii fit i never really could see myself using but given i aint done anything and i found myself putting more and more weight on i thought give it ago :LOL: till i get some kit to use in house

just dont want to waste my time if its just a fad and doesnt work, if it does then i can see me on it each night till i get bored of it, it also told me i was unbalanced aswell lol
I've got it, though we don't use it for fitness but for a game. Wife and 4 yr old like it as well when we get it out.

But given your muscles work hard, if you're not trying to 'play' the game but try to do it properly. Plus you get knackered and I even pulled my back :oops: . Then it must make you fitter.

They're bringing out a new version of the game soon as well.

But it's only a fad if you make it one.
wii fit does not get you fit..HOWEVER...wii active DOES. proven by many people,i also tried em both with my heart rate monitor on,wii fit did nothing at all,wii active put me right in the 150bpm zone with ease..great 'game' :)
forget the wii dude and get on that rower you have...I use one everyday. Superb minimal impact workout and you can really put yourself through the ringer if you want to have a hard workout.....I do some intervals on mine as well as steady rows and tempo work. I use it instead of a turbo

This place is great for all things rowing machine. I dont have the concept 2 machine but the workouts are just as relevant:
I bought my wife a Wii and Wii Fit last Christmas. She uses it for over an hour each time and for at least 5 nights a week. She says that she feels much better for it which I guess is important.

Like any exercise though, the key is getting into a routine and sticking with it. Having something that you can do at home may make that easier or harder.

But if you do want to get fit at home in a limited time then get an Ergo rowing machine, you'll be able to make yourself sick in under 15 minutes!