Why must tyres have huge branding on the sidewalls

Look on the bright side, Racing ralph is worse as it has more letter.

Need to check what tyres i have on my gf sugar, no lettering on the side walls.

Ill get over it, just spoils the bikes looks :)

And I could live with Just Maxxis, Continental etc its the rest of the lettering that annoys me :facepalm:

I was thinking more of the retro-looking tyres, like Charge Splashbacks, which I think are great but for this...


A friend at work finds the name hilarious, "it's like having a dump from a great height.... Splashback!!" :roll: :LOL:

Anyway, I don't remember the branding being that over the top in days of yore, so my retro ride would look more "period" without the modern branding "splashed" all over the tyre.
the splashback is hardly any worse than this


and huge white writing started with these in around 1997...

I remember using the automotive tyre marking pen to whiten the Michelin logo on my tyres and that was in 1996.
It looks good but i agree in giant form its a bit too 'American' for me :?