WANTED: Goldtec draco, burgtec, big un hubs


Dirt Disciple
Looking for goldtec draco hubs, especially the older "chunky" front hub any colour considered

Also after burgtec front and rear hubs preferably not black

And finally, hope big un hubs in purple or red and must be in excellent condition.

What spacing are you after on the burgtecs? I've got a pair 20mm front and 150mm rear. I think they're snow camo but I'd have to dig then out to check. I've also got a couple of draco fronts one blue, one black both 20mm I think but I'd have to find them and check. Drop me a PM if it sounds like it's what you're after.



Build plans have changed a little so im after a 135 really, still maybe interested in the 150. How much are you looking for, for the pair and how much would you like for the draco hubs?


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