Ti bolts and bearings?


Gold Trader
Not really retro to be honest, but anyone got some recommendations of sources (for the UK) for both bearings and Ti bolts?

Although I appreciate people suggesting things they've heard of or Googled, with all due respect, can you only suggest somewhere if you have bought from there, and been impressed with the price/service/quality etc?

Many thanks
For bearings I use my local trading estate bearing factor - he is cheaper than eBay vendors. I usually choose NSK, SKF or Minebea bearings over the cheap Chinese ones. KSK are OK but not quite as good in my experience. It's only a couple of pounds extra for a bearing that lasts much longer.
Thanks Hamster, I've heard similar things suggested before, and I'm not adverse to that, just need to find someone locally that can recommend a supplier, even local companies can sell shite ;-)
I've been buying bolts from China and a couple of odd sources in the UK. I can honestly find no difference in quality, and I've never had a bolt failure yet. Also, just to add some context, that's about 15+ bikes using Chinese Ti bolts. Be wary of certain UK companies selling Ti bolts, as they could simply be the middle man for the Chinese bolts - and that's quite a common find. Some of the U.K. Companies are upfront with the info, while others are a little guarded. Ask them for a custom size, and see what their response is - that's some times rather telling!

Bearings are different, and I'd always use branded bearings. I did buy a handful of cheap low ABEC grade bearings once just to try them. All 12 failed in relatively catastrophic ways within very short time periods. SKF, FAG, and the like are always worth seeking out. They'll likely Costa few quid more, but will stay smoother and last many moons more than their cheaper variants. If you haven't got a reasonable local bearing supplier, there are loads of branded mail order deals online.

As above, branded bearing will be the same no matter which company they come from.
Simplybearing via various store front have been fine for me.

I have bought some nice bearings unbranded from an eBay place, they've been reasonable and good enough for most cases. I'm sure it had skateboarding ties, will grab the company when I get to a better eBay website (one a pc)

I'm braking a rule, with due respect.
And pointing out Pro-Bolt.

Ti bolts can be very hit and miss. Those I have bought from a 'bike' website were awful quality. The ones I bought, some time ago, from a specialist fasteners company are absolutely brilliant. They didn't list prices online as they changed daily, based on commodity prices.

Comparing the two it is as though they are made of different materials. The bike site ones were a lot softer in comparison
To all that have responded, that's more than enough advice and recommendations to be going on with, many thanks; it's why I love this community :)

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