The best Retro Kids programmes you remember



Another of my favourites :D


2001 internet wants it's thread back.

In other news there's a site called Friends Reunited where you talk with your old school mates.

I can't believe no one's mentioned Mr Ben.


Ivor the engine.
Hartley Hare.

When I look at him now, it's a wonder I didn't have nightmares as a child:


Mary, Mungo and Midge.
Captain Pugwash - avast me hearties!
The Magic Roundabout.
The flowerpot men.
Chorlton and the wheelies.
Crystal Tips and Alistair.
Roobarb and Custard - Richard Briers' finest five minutes.
Trapdoor - Willies Rushton's finest five minutes.

I was about 16 when this came out, but still thought it was pretty funny.

It was called Pipkins I think. Hartley hare, Topov the monkey, Octavia the ostrich, pig, and George the Tortoise who had lumbago.

As for Mr ben, check my location. he lives next door.

Count Duckula
Bertha (oh lovely Bertha, sometimes I think you're a dream...)
Spiderman and his Amazing friends
Godzilla (and Godzuki too)
Charlie Chalk
Defenders of the Earth
Stig of the Dump (Stig's first TV appearance before learning to drive :) )
Why Don't You (etc)
Battle of the Planets
Mighty Mouse
Roger Ramjet
Willow the Wisp
Emu's Pink Windmill
Games master
Round the Bend (cannot believe some of the jokes and a programme for kids)
Round the Twist (from Oz)
Saved by the Bell
Out of this World (with Doug McClure)
Gentle Ben (Ben-Ben...)
Benji Zak and the Alien Prince
The kids of Degrassi Street
The Red Hand gang (cue jokes)
Sesame Street
Secret Squirrel
Batfink and Karate name a few and yes, I didn't have many friends :LOL:

The biker mice from mars?? Also, anyone remember the brave little toaster, from 1987 i think, before it went over to disney in the 90s?... Dont think either have been mentioned yet :p

Abbot and Costello movies. A memory triggered by the jerry lewis above.

And not forgetting Mr Grimsdale!!!!

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