Show us your marins!

Current project almost done, think its a 1994 bobcat trail? Anyone help confirm?

Waiting some new cranks and a shorter higher stem and then should feel pretty lush
Marin Decal on the frame looks like a 94 but not sure about the forks. Looking at the catalogue the forks and stem are a different colour for most of the range.
Current project almost done, think its a 1994 bobcat trail? Anyone help confirm?

Waiting some new cranks and a shorter higher stem and then should feel pretty lush
Best bet would be to check the frame number, there are a couple of threads on decoding Marin frame numbers on the site. I have always found them to be reliable.
Followed those threads before which is how I got to bobcat trail, think I’m right?


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Buenas noches.
Soy nuevo en el foro y me parece apropiado presentarme este tema.
Les muestro mi Marin Team Marin. Lo rescaté de una tienda de coches de segunda mano en Andorra y estuve 7 meses dejándolo según catálogo (excepto neumáticos, puños y poco más). Incluí algo de PD 737 porque me pareció lo más lógico.
Las fotos las hice hace unos años, pero sigue igual de bonita, si os gusta puedo hacer una foto más actual
Saludos a todos, genial foro


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Thanks @Hezza

He loves a ride, just trots alongside me with the odd sprint. Although on the hills will often look back at me quizzically 'why so slow?'