Raleigh Balck & Gold with Campagnolo gears circa late 60's

Re: Raleigh Balck & Gold with Campagnolo gears circa late 60

You really have me thinking now Shaun. I had my bike when I was still home with my parents and I went to university in 71 got married at the end of the course and never went back to my parents after that.

I would have put it, second hand, about 66/67. I am so intrigued now that I will have to research this some more.
Re: Raleigh Balck & Gold with Campagnolo gears circa late 60

This has got me thinking too. Looked at my Cycling mags and found an advert for the "new" record in 1978. Black frame with gold decals but only silver kit......... Not sure then when the anodised gold kit was introduced and the name changed to Record Sprint..

First gold anodised stuff I can recall were Mafac brakes and that would be in the early 70's I guess... not sure if I remember any gold kit on any of the 60's bikes.


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